(315) 567-1646

About Flooring Barn Siding Mantels Box Beams Finishes Gallery


Mixed Antique Softwoods

Selecting the right look for a project is something our customer rep truly understands. Doug Holland knows his product and will work intimately with you, from concept to completion, providing design ideas and technical assistance to help you select the flooring and architectural details best suited for your home, office, restaurant or retail store.

Calls and e-mails are welcome and your visit to our modest location will be memorable. Visits are by appointment only.

To Request an Quote:

To Schedule a Visit:

We are in the process of developing a new showroom...but, in the meantime we can meet at my warehouse.

We'll announce the new location at a future date.

Visits By Appointment Only

Auburn, NY 13021

(315) 567-1646